You’ve Had a Near Death Experience: Now What?

Melvin L Morse MD (

QUESTION: I would like to tell others about my near death experience. Should I work in a hospital or work with the dying to help to teach them what it is like to die?

ANSWER: When adults have near death experiences, it typically causes profound changes in their life as it radically changes everything about their world view.  It is one thing to believe in god, it is quite another to float out of one’s body and have a direct conversation with a “god” or “guide” or “being of light” that is just as real as any other experience.  As one young girl told me about her near death experience, “I wasn’t dead at all, I was alive!”.  Another child told me that she was never so alive as during the time “I was dead”.

This experience of being very alive and conscious just as we are in this life is extremely surprising and disorienting.

It is only natural that after having a near death experience, one wants to share this experience with everyone, to tell everyone “yes, yes, it’s all true, you don’t die when you die, but you learn how to love, how to live.”  One boy told me emphatically that “you have to tell all the old people about what it is like to die”.

So, what should you do?  This blog is in reply to the question of what is the best way to share the information of the near death experience with the rest of humanity!  A reader specifically asked me, “should I volunteer at the hospital, or otherwise work with the dying to share with them what dying is like”.

VIDEO OF TRANSFORMATION OF NDE(Click here)  We learn they have an appreciation for the ordinary struggles of everyday life.


1. TAKE SOME TIME JUST TO UNDERSTAND THE EXPERIENCE: First of all, take some time, as in years, just to understand the experience and process the changes within your own life.  Many people get divorced, change jobs, and are in a state of chaos after the experience.  Obviously you are not going to be able to help others, when you are still trying to understand what happened to you.

Divorced After NDE video (click here)  Starts Gifted Child Institute After NDE video (click here)

2.  BE AN EXAMPLE TO OTHERS, BUT DON’T TRY TO TEACH THEM: If you have a natural gift for working with the dying, or have always wanted to volunteer at a hospital, then by all means do so.  But don’t do it just to share your NDE with others.  Do something that you love, that brings out the best in you, that makes your heart sing.  If others wonder why you have blossomed, they will ask you and that is a wonderful time to share your experience.  One of my good friends quit his job as an Accountant after his NDE and became a real estate agent.  Selling homes was a way of connecting with people.  Sometimes wondrous conversations came out of such experiences.

3.  WE EACH HAVE OUR OWN LESSONS OF LOVE TO LEARN: The near death experience teaches us that life is for living and the light is for later.  We each have our own individual lessons of love to learn.

  Having an NDE is somewhat like being a grandparent.  As parents we make mistake after mistake, until we finally get it right, usually just about the time our children have grown up and left the home.  We are left with all this knowledge of what we should have done, and could have done, and could have done better.  When our children then have children, there is a natural urge to tell them how they should do it, so they don’t make the mistakes we made.  We want our children to benefit from our unused wisdom.

Yet new parents have to make their own mistakes.  Grandparents do best when they are available for consultation but not constantly nagging or pointing out how things should be done. 

So it is with the near death experience and our lessons of love.  Those who have had this profound intervention at the end of life (and lived to tell about it) then naturally want to share with the rest of us.  Yet we know that the NDE is extremely personal.  It is specifically designed to teach us our lessons of love, in fact your near death experience may be completely meaningless to others. Video (click here)

4.  WE ALL HAVE A JOB TO DO, WE ARE ALL PART OF THE MIX NO MATTER WHAT OUR SPECIFIC ROLL MAY BE:  The reader’s question was whether or not she should work in a hospice or hospital to share her understandings from the NDE with others.  In fact, there are so many opportunities to share this knowledge.  It is best if we are patient, don’t force anything, and let the Universe come to us and teach us what to do next.


I wrote a book called Transformed by the Light in which we studied both children and adults who had the transformation of the near death experience.  One young man told me that he was sent back to Earth to do a job that was very special.  I asked him what this job was, thinking that he was going to say that he would start a Church or find a cure for cancer. 

He looked at me and was very annoyed. “I already told you what my job is. I run a construction company.  I have six employees. Those numbnuts would have no idea what to do or how to do it if I wasn’t around to help them”.  He perceived the BIG MEANING of his near death experience was to run a construction company.


Another adult was a child when she had her NDE.  She told me that she learned that she had a very important mission in life. I asked her what it was.  She replied “actually, I have no idea. I just know I am part of something very important. Maybe I will never know.  Maybe I will be walking across a street, and a car will slow down for me, and that will cause a lot of other things to happen and it might then save someone’s life.  I don’t think we ever know why we are important, but all of us are.”

Video Each of Us is Indispensable to the Creator (click here)


My study of adults who had NDEs either as adults or children showed that they helped others the most just by being themselves.  Just by being a loving non-judgmental person, just by roll modeling unconditional love.  If your bliss and sense of obligation draws you to working in a hospital or with the dying, then by all means do it.  But only if it is part of who you are.  Paul Carr NDE video: Life is a School (click here)

Pauline worked for many years as a checker in a Grocery Store.  Everyone wanted to be in her check-out line.  Sometimes the other checkers would be doing nothing, and a line of 5 people would be patiently waiting for Pauline to check out their groceries.  She spent a little time with each person, a smile, a comment, some special remark that would light up that person’s heart.  She made a difference as a checker in the Grocery Store.  It was work she loved to do, and felt was god’s calling for her on this Earth.

About Melvin Morse

Melvin L Morse MD, a former Pediatric Intensivist, was a pioneer in Near Death Research, particularly in children. His books Closer to the Light, Transformed by the Light and Where God Lives: How Our Brains are connected to the Universe, are International Best Sellers. He has post graduate training in Neuroscience from the University of Washington. He was an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the U of W for 20 years. He is a neuroscientist and Board Certified Pediatrician. Dr. Morse was honored by Best Doctors as being one of the best Pediatricians in America from 1996-2006. He has numerous teaching awards and honors. He has published extensively in the medical literature on near death experiences, consciousness, and Reiki/energetic healing. He currently is in part-practice of Pediatrics in Delaware. He and his wife run the SpiritualScientific Institute, a small consciousness research group. They have been honored by the World Health Organization for their recent research and are presenting at the upcoming Science of Consciousness 2011 Conference in Stockholm. Dr. Morse's current research interests include 1) Spiritual Neuroscience: an understanding the hardware of spiritual understandings 2) Controlled Remote viewing, which he considers to be a window into the near death experience. 3) The right temporal lobe, our "god spot" which connects our brains to the divine. This “god spot” has been more recently been extended by Mario Beauregard MD to be the “Spiritual Brain”. His book Spiritual Brain presents a greater understanding of our brain as a filter of consciousness. 3) Reiki and energetic healing 4) Applications of near death experiences to death and dying, hospice and our cultural understanding of death 5) Medical applications of remote viewing. Dr. Morse lives with his wife and two children in Lower Slower Delaware. He and his wife are one of the few civilian remote viewing teams in the United States.
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4 Responses to You’ve Had a Near Death Experience: Now What?

  1. Angela says:

    Get a life.

    Nobody wants to hear about it, so learn to ignore it and just deal with what interests people.

    (and if I sound bitter, it’s not because of the experience, but actions of others)

  2. Tinamarie says:

    What a salient and thoughtful message. There are so many divine truths in this, I don’t know where to start. From your observations outside of NDE – how grandparents can best fill that role – to the importance of every living person, I’m appreciative of your insights here. Thank you and keep doing what you do. I WANT to hear about it. I don’t think we should ignore these experiences because they do interest people.

  3. Tara says:

    Very well written and insightful; you back up your statements like most research papers, but do not talk over anyone’s head. :D

    There are echoes in what I believe strongly:
    - We are here to learn about Love.
    - We each have our own task / function / job, even when we do not know what that may be.
    - It’s there for everyone, regardless of belief, background or religious practices –> including those who do not want to hear about it. ;-)

    Thanks for sharing.

    - T

  4. Marny Whitaker says:

    I am just now reading the book “Closer To The Light”. I found it by accident at the library. Interesting. The book is so full of information that I needed to hear. Years ago (in my mid thirties) I experienced “The Light”. It wasn’t a near death experience – at least of my body. I might have been near death in my soul. But The Light – absolutely amazing! I was filled with peace and love. I have never forgotten that day or the year following when each night I looked forward to going to bed to have a conversation with God. It has been my mainstay all these years. Actually, Tom Harpur , who was writing a column in the Toronto Star, came and interviewed me and wrote it up in the paper. Unfortunately, having moved so many times, I have lost the article.

    I just wanted to say that it doesn’t always take a near death experience to experience The Light. My life hasn’t been easy, but the knowledge of this experience has been a true blessing, which I have drawn on many times. It is all about love. And I knew that when I was about sixteen. I am still learning.

    Over the years, when I thought it might be appropriate, I have shared this experience with close friends. But yes, it is something that most do not understand. Therefore I could not let this opportunity pass without telling people that do know. Thank you.

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